May I tactfully suggest that we get this back to a discussion of the
pros and cons of JUnit test suites and/or TestNG metadata vs. directory

It sounds like we all want to resolve that problem asap.


George Harley wrote:
> Mark Hindess wrote:
>> On 6 July 2006 at 18:05, George Harley
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>>> On 6 July 2006 at 12:55, George Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> From what I can tell this JIRA hasn't really achieved much apart
>>>>> from pushing code around the repository and breaking at least one
>>>>> patch (HARMONY-755).
>>>> Well, obviously that wasn't my motivation! ;-)
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> No one was saying it was. BTW, good to hear you have some motivation :-)
>>>> >From the description, it was clear (to me anyway) that the patch
>>>> was to
>>>> enable the use of platform-specific test code.  While the directories
>>>> for the platform-specific test code are currently empty, I'm certain
>>>> Paulex plans to rectify this pretty soon.
>>> Creating empty directories is not the issue here. The patch also
>>> entailed moving a whole bunch of other files around the source tree
>>> for reasons that are  currently being discussed in the dev list.
>>>> I think Paulex was correct to separate the process of allowing for
>>>> platform-specific tests (HARMONY-782) from any JIRA containing new
>>>> tests.
>>> The "process" of allowing for new platform-specific tests is
>>> precisely what is being currently discussed on the dev-list in the
>>> referenced thread.
>> I thought it was categorisation of tests in general.
> Hi Mark,
> Since "platform-specific" is one important category of test then
> discussion and agreement on the general topic is important.
>>>> The JIRA comment by Paulex mentioned that it would break two existing
>>>> JIRA issues - HARMONY-775 and HARMONY-767.  I applied the former but
>>>> the
>>>> latter was already assigned to Tim and marked 'In Progress' so I didn't
>>>> feel it was right to steal it.  However I have made the trivial change
>>>> to the patch metadata to fix the HARMONY-767 patch.
>>>> Unfortunately it didn't mention the HARMONY-775 patch, otherwise I
>>>> might
>>>> have checked with you first.
>>> It was HARMONY-755. I know, now I'm just being picky :-)
>> Yes. :-)
>>>>> It would be great if you or Paulex (and everyone in fact) could
>>>>> comment in the "[classlib] Testing conventions - a proposal" thread
>>>>> [1] about this.
>>>> Certainly - though this seems to me to be orthogonal to the purpose of
>>>> the HARMONY-782 patch.
>>> The summary of HARMONY-782 is "Relayout NIO test cases to platform
>>> dependent". That is orthogonal to the dev-list discussion on proposed
>>> test layout ??? Are you serious ??????
>> Ok so maybe not orthogonal but the JIRA (regardless of the exact title)
>> was an enabler to allow additional platform-specific tests to be added.
>> And adding new tests is something that is independent of the need to
>> restructure.  Or are you saying we shouldn't create any more tests (or
>> fix existing tests) until the restructuring issue is decided?
> If adding new platform-specific tests is "independent of the need to
> restructure" then why did you restructure the NIO tests ?
> No, I am not saying that we shouldn't create any more tests. No, I am
> not saying that we should stop fixing existing ones. This is not a
> restructuring issue. If anything, this is an anti-restructuring issue.
> This is about pausing to consider a different approach to the existing
> proposal for how we manage our tests. It deserves to be considered as it
> has the potential to save us all a lot of time and effort pushing files
> around.
>> While I see the importance of the restructuring I'm also keen not to
>> prevent the problematic nio tests to be fixed.
> Ditto. But what is the urgency here ?
>> Are you suggesting that applying the JIRA made the state of the tests
>> any worse than it was before?  (I even made an effort to ensure that the
>> change was made in a way that was more consistent with the current state
>> of another module - to make it easier to programmatically fix them later
>> when the test structure issue is resolved.)
>> Regards,
>>  Mark.
> IMHO this is not really about just HARMONY 782 and I would be genuinely
> upset if the impression was that I was getting at you or Paulex because
> it's not true. This is about asking you, Paulex and everyone to think
> about what our tests structure is going to look like eventually, how
> much effort is going to be required to maintain its labyrinth layout,
> the amount of overhead that is going to mean for our infrastructure (Ant
> scripts, IDE metadata files etc) and whether or not we can do better.
> Best regards,
> George
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