The following discussion occurs on JIRA 1110, may need your opinion to come to a conclusion:

Harmony and RI have different pattern parsers implementations of ChoiceFormat class. Spec hasn't any rules for pattern except a single example "-1#is negative| 0#is zero or fraction | 1#is one |1.0<is 1+ |2#is two |2<is more than 2."
So we have some differences in pattern processing

Test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import java.text.*;

public class bug9411 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       try {
           System.out.println(new ChoiceFormat("2|").toPattern());
     } catch (Exception e) {
     try {
         System.out.println(new ChoiceFormat("2#ok #ab").toPattern());
     } catch (Exception e) {
     try {
       System.out.println(new ChoiceFormat("2#ok <ab").toPattern());
     } catch (Exception e) {

Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------

at java.text.ChoiceFormat.applyPattern( at java.text.ChoiceFormat.<init>(
                     at bug9411.main(
at java.text.ChoiceFormat.applyPattern( at java.text.ChoiceFormat.<init>(
                     at bug9411.main(

at java.text.ChoiceFormat.applyPattern( at java.text.ChoiceFormat.<init>(
                     at bug9411.main(
2.0#ok #ab
2.0#ok <ab
spark shen <> [18/Sep/06 07:37 PM] On this specific case, seems the behavior of harmony is also reasonable. I suggest to change component to Non-bug difference.

Best regards
Denis Kishenko <> [18/Sep/06 11:57 PM] Spark, which behavior is reasonable depends on point of view. For example for me Harmony is reasonable in the first case while RI is reasonable in the second and third cases.
spark shen <> [19/Sep/06 12:07 AM]
Hi Denis Kishenko

But I totally agree with harmony on 3 cases.
On the first, '2|' indicates that there are 2 choices, but the second one is missing. So throwing an IllegalArgumentException is OK. On the second and third('2#ok #ab' & '2#ok <ab') there is only one choice. When the formatted thing >= 2, then ok#ab or ok <ab should be used IMHO.

Best regards
Denis Kishenko <> [19/Sep/06 12:17 AM] From my point of view, symbols "|", "#" and "<" should be reserved as pattern control symbols because they influence of pattern engine algorithm. If user want to use such symbols let's put them in quote to avoid misunderstandings.

2#ok #ab => 2#"ok #ab"
2#ok <ab => 2#"ok <ab"

Spark Shen
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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