[ha-Safran]: Picture books aout Israel

2006-08-22 Thread Linda Murray
Dear Hasafran, Does anyone know of a picture book about Israel that is available for sale in the bookstores or through Amazon or BnN? We have "And Shira Imagined," but it is no longer available for sale. Thank you. Linda Wien Murray Library Co-chair Monmouth Reform Temple www.monmouth.com/~mr

[ha-Safran]: Clearance Sale on Jewish Education Titles

2006-08-22 Thread Karen Lasky
from Magnes Press X-Original-To: hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version X-Spam-Score: 0.00 () [Hold at 5.00] X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on X-L

[ha-Safran]: Dr. Paul Alsberg

2006-08-22 Thread Ida & Joseph Schwarcz
Dear friends, Dr. Paul Alsberg, former Archivisit of the State of Israel Archives, has just died. The funeral will be held tomorrow, August 21,in Omer, Israel. Ida first met Dr. Alsberg when he came to visit HUC years ago. We became friends and corresponded. When we were looking for a possible seni

[ha-Safran]: re: OFFER Encyc Judaica

2006-08-22 Thread Claire B. Uziel
I posted about an extra set of the encyclopedia last week and have more interest than I know what to do with. Unless you're in the DC area and are interested in our other extra books (I'll email you a list), please do not contact me. Thank you, Claire B. Uziel Assistant Archivist Jewish Histo

Updated MARC record for "It's a Boy!"

2006-08-22 Thread Steven Bernstein
A few people asked me to repost my MARC record with an updated 600 field (Subject Added Entry-Personal Name) once my newborn son had been named. However, before I present the updated record, I would like to share a remarkable story: Ever since the passing of wife's grandfather, Rabbi Jeshaiah Schn

[ha-Safran]: Author's announcement

2006-08-22 Thread sartori
DAUGHTERS OF SARAH: ANTHOLOGY OF JEWISH WOMEN WRITING IN FRENCH, edited by Madeleine Cottenet-Hage and Eva Martin Sartori, was recently published by Holmes and Meier. This volume fills an important niche in Jewish Studies, French Studies, Women's Studies, and Multicultural Studies, by making a

[ha-Safran]: New library automation product from Surpass

2006-08-22 Thread Diane Volzer
Yossi Galron, Hasafran moderator, has given me permission to announce a new product and special pricing to you via Hasafran. I'm pleased to introduce Surpass CL, a streamlined library automation program that is easy to use and available only to churches, synagogues and other places of worship.

[ha-Safran]: Old Books

2006-08-22 Thread Tills Library
Is anyone interested in the following: * Studies in Judaism. 3rd Series. S. Schechter, M.A., Litt. D. The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1924. * The Jews Among The Greeks and Romans. Max Radin. The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1915. Let me know. We are weeding! Lynn Wag

[ha-Safran]: Part time job opening

2006-08-22 Thread Salkluger
hello friends, the Belz school of jewish music at Yeshiva Univ. nyc.,- needs a partimer to help organize their music collection. Please call Cantor Eric Freeman at 212 960 5353 for further info. thx sal Sal Kluger Simcha Sales Inc. 11 Imbrook Lane Aberdeen NJ 07747 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mobile 908-4

[ha-Safran]: Jews of Asia

2006-08-22 Thread ha-Safran
--- Message requiring your approval -- From: "Warshenbrot, Amalia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Jews of Asia Shalom, I am forwarding my patron’s request. Please help us help him. I will give you the credit. Thanks in advance Amalia Warshe