Announcing the publication of  "For The Sake Of Jerusalem"

By Aharon Bier (z'l) and Bracha Slae, Editor

Commemorating 40 Years of Reunification 1967-2007

    You will want to have For The Sake Of Jerusalem as part of your 
library because it is the most up-to-date book in English that 
documents Jewish life in Jerusalem's Old City for the past 100 plus 
years.   "For The Sake Of Jerusalem" is the historical record about 
the Yeshivot, Synagogues, and Jewish Leaders of this 
period.   Historic photographs throughout the book, many taken by 
Aharon Bier, help to document how Jewish life developed in the Holy 
City during the last century. Many of these pictures have never been 
published prior to appearing in "For The Sake Of Jerusalem"!

"For The Sake Of Jerusalem" will provide you with a very clear 
picture of how the Jewish community in the Old City lived - and 
survived - on a daily basis while under the governance of the 
Ottomans and the British, then to war with the Jordanians in 1948 - 
and finally to Israeli control in 1967.

Includes Index and Glossary

Rabbi Berel Wein wrote: "It is history, cartography, photography, and 
inspiration all rolled into one attractive, readable and knowledgeable book."

About The Author and The Editor

Aharon Bier - guide, author, and photographer -  was personally 
involved in the rebuilding of the Old City of Jerusalem from 1967 
until his untimely death in 1987.  He was one of the first to 
photograph and write about Jewish sites throughout the Holy City.  In 
the 20 years that followed reunification, Aharon Bier actively worked 
to make the Old City a vibrant and active community.  Unfortunately, 
he did not live to see many of his projects completed.

Bracha Slae has edited, and added to the research of Aharon Bier, to 
provide an up-to-date picture of Jewish life in the Old City.  A 
resident of the Old City for almost three decades, Bracha Slae’s 
intimate knowledge of the people and places within the walls, and her 
vast experience as a guide, gives her the background to prepare this book.

Hard Cover Deluxe Edition, with Jacket, 211 pages plus 16 pages of 
two special full color photographic sections depicting today's Old 
City.  – Ships from Israel

ISBN: 965-7344-11-5


Soft cover edition: 212 pages

Ships from the United States - Distributed by Ingram and Baker and Taylor

ISBN: 965-7344-12-3


Published by Mazo Publishers

Chaim Mazo, Publisher


TEL / FAX 1-815-301-3559

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