My Life In Seven Languages
by George P. Fletcher

George P. Fletcher is considered to be one of today's leading legal 
scholars in the fields of torts and criminal law, in particular, 
comparative and international criminal law.

Reflecting on the events in his personal and professional life during 
the past 70 years, the linguistic dimension clearly dominates and 
overshadows these activities. Growing up in the United States at a 
time when English was considered to be the only language needed, 
Fletcher mastered six additional languages.

As his father, Fleischer Miklos, always told him, "The more languages 
you know, the more personalities you have."

As a result of his fluency, he was thrust to the forefront of the 
international legal world. "My Life in Seven Languages", a lingustic 
memoir, probes Fletcher's legal experiences and family relationships 
that would not have otherwise been possible as a mono-linguist.

George P. Fletcher is the Cardozo Professor of Jurisprudence at 
Columbia Law School.

     * Imprint: Mazo Publishers
     * Author: George P. Fletcher
     * ISBN: 9781936778973
     * Pages: 204
     * Binding: Soft Cover


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