----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: "J & G Sigal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Montreal Jewish Public Library events: March & April

The Jewish Public Library in Montreal is offering two particularly interesting programs in the near future. The first of these, in honor of Purim, is the Yiddish Café’s presentation of Itsik Manger’s “MEGILEH”.

Date:            Monday, March 21, 2005
            Time:   8 PM
            Place:   La Sala Rossa, 4848 Saint-Laurent Blvd., Montreal, Que.
            Admission :  $5 per person
            INFO:  (514) 345-2627, EXT. 3006
            Advance tickets:  (514) 345-6416

The second event features Shane Baker, Executive Director of the Congress of Jewish Culture in New York and an “off-off-Broadway” regular. He will be presenting a program of dramatic readings in Yiddish in memory of the 20th yortsayt of Joseph Buloff and in honour of Luba Kadison, master actors of the Yiddish stage. Entitled “From the Repertoire of the Yiddish Art Theatre”, the program is sponsored by Mindy Spiegel in honour of Eugene Orenstein’s special birthday.

Date: Sunday, April 10, 2005
Time: 2 PM
Place: Gelber Conference Centre, 5151 Cote Ste-Catherine Rd., Montreal, Que.
Admission: $5 (Jewish Public Library members)
$8 (others)
INFO: (514) 345-2627, EXT. 3006
Advance tickets: (514) 345-6416

Goldie Sigal

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