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The Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, in
conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Library and the
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania,
are pleased to announce the seventh annual Manfred R. Lehmann
Memorial Master Workshop to be held on May 6-7 (Sunday-Monday), 2007,
at CAJS.

The subject of this year's Workshop will be Genizah Texts and the
Expansion of Jewish Literacy.  The workshop will be led by Professor
Stefan Reif of the University of Cambridge, one of the world's
leading authorities on the topic of the Cairo Genizah and its
importance for cultural history. The two-day program will provide an
overview of its subject, and of its significance in various areas,
including: biblical versions and commentaries; talmudic, halakhic and
midrashic texts; liturgical evolution and variety; personal letters
of mundane and intellectual significance; miscellaneous cultural
expression through writing.  The various topics covered in the
workshop will be illustrated by reading of Genizah texts, with
special attention to the problems of layout, decipherment, analysis
and historical evaluation.

The workshop is open to professors and independent scholars,
professional librarians in the field of Jewish and related studies,
and advanced graduate students in Jewish Studies.  Attendance at
previous workshops is not a prerequisite for admission.

Because much of the Workshop will be devoted to the reading of Hebrew
texts like colophons, it is necessary that all participants be able
to read non-vocalized Hebrew texts.

For faculty and professionals, tuition is $250.  In addition to
attendance and all materials for the workshop, the tuition includes
two or three nights in a hotel (double-occupancy) for the nights of
May 6 and 7 (with the option of May 5), and all meals and
refreshments (all kosher) during the course of the workshop.

Graduate students may apply for a full scholarship to the workshop.
N.B. To apply for the scholarship, a graduate student should write us
giving the details of his or her academic program and a brief
statement explaining how the workshop will further his or her
academic studies.  S/he should also ask a faculty advisor to write us
a letter of recommendation on the student's behalf.

Attendance is limited.  If you are interested in attending the
workshop, please notify us immediately.  Full payment must be
received by March 1, 2007.  Make checks payable to Trustees of the
University of Pennsylvania. Please address all correspondence to:

Lehmann Workshop
c/o Jewish Studies Program
711 Williams Hall
255 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

The Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop in the History of the
Jewish Book has been made possible by a generous contribution from
the Manfred and Anne Lehmann Foundation along with grants from Mr.
Albert Friedberg, the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Andrew H. Cohn,
Esq. C'66, and the University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation.

Christine Walsh
Jewish Studies Program
711 Williams Hall
255 S. 36th Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Phone: 215-898-6654
Fax: 215-573-6026

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