Rabi Chaim Weiner of the Conservative/Masort Olami Movement came to Valencia
from Sept 8-11 for a visit.

On the evening of the 8th, I charmed Chaim into visiting the center where La
Javura and the Asociacion Valenciana de Diabetes offer exercise and nutrition
classes free of charge to the general public as a part of our social action
service to the community at large.  Next stop (somewhere around midnight),
Chaim came to visit the cheery green-painted room which houses La Javura.

We showed him the library and the strawberry plants in the window and all the
rest of it. Chaim invited us for shajarit shabat and havdala the following day
with him and his group of 12 others from Edgeware (London, England) at the
recently formed masorti-affiliated, predominantly south-american group "Aviv"
also here in Valencia.

We thoroughly enjoyed the experience as Chaim is a very good speaker. During
shajarit shabat, I couldn't help but notice that Aviv lacked jumash, siddur and
majzor in English for their occasional english-speaking visitors. After
shajarit shabat (but before I accompanied the Edgeware group on a quickie-tour
of the Valencian Post Office, train station and Central Market), I asked them
if they could use some books and they accepted the offer.

I went home for lunch and came back just before havdala with my red shopping
cart and:
10 Hertz humash
7 RA/USA Sabbath and Festival Prayer books
10 Silverman majzor

The truth of the matter is that it is the USCJ Presidents on the e-Prez-list
and the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) that we must thank for their
unswerving generosity these last 8 years in sending La Javura donations of
books, calendars, humash, majzor, siddur and other material such as but not
only filmstrips and children's hebrew books. Though we ourselves only speak
Spanish (in the main), we have been able to share these books (and material)
with the reform, masorti and modern orthodox synagogues that have
English-speaking visitors (not only in Spain).

Last week a member of La Javura drove to the english-speaking modern-orthodox
british synagogue in Alicante/Benidorm, tourist towns two hours down the coast
south of Valencia, to deliver a box of 25 Silverman majzor in time for the new
year.  We have sent tallit to both Bet-El (masorti) in Madrid as well as Atid
(reform) in Barcelona.

I want you all to know that everything the guys and gals of the USCJ Prez's and
AJL send us  gets used and is appreciated (more than fingers can type). None of
it ends up in someone's closet or forgotten in some corner (which would be
pretty hard to do since there are only 4 corners in the green room of La
Javura, anyway).

Recently some of you might have received a letter from Alan Silverstien
outlining the activities of Masorti Olami and asking for financial support
(sure, why not, everybody does this time of year, it's practically my middle
name...). Chaim Weiner travels all over Europe visiting most conservative
synagogues with almost equal attention (some need more attention than others;
there are just so many hours in a day...). Chaim runs the beit din in London
and coordinates communication amongst us little groups. La Javura isn't the
only itty-bitty island out there living in a semi-vacuum.

In this new year if you happen to be considering a vacation trip to Europe or
Australia perhaps and start rummaging about for a synagogue to visit, keep in
mind that without the books, materials and the occasional donation either to
the Masorti Olami movement in general or to a specific synagogue, we would most
likely be dead and you would have to scratch that activity off your
things-to-see-and-do list.

So! Give heartily to your synagogues because there is no place like home and
may you all have a sweet, well-rounded new year.
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presidenta y bibliotecaria
Sinagoga conservador/masorti "La Javura" (28 individuals)
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (Espana)
+34 96 380 2129

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