I am working on a project at Mann Library, Cornell University, 
digitizing important out-of-copyright agricultural literature.  My 
eye spied this gem in the classifieds of the 1922, no.4 issue of the 
American Agriculturalist:

"DO YOU NEED HELP?  We have many able-bodied Jewish young men, with 
and without experience, who wish to work on farms. If you need a 
good, steady man, write for an order blank. Ours is not a commercial 
employment agency, and we make no charge to employer or 
employee.  THE JEWISH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 173 Second Ave. New York 
City." (caps in original ad)

So, if anyone is doing research on Jews in American agriculture, be 
sure to keep this publication in mind.

Happy Hanukah,
James LaForest
Ithaca, NY

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