The Hadassah Archives is deaccessioning a subject file of pamphlets on 
topics relating to Israel, the issue of Arab refugees, the Arab-Israeli 
conflict, general Zionist issues, et al.  c1940s to 1970s

If you would like any of the following, please let us know; the more you 
want the more likely you are to get them!  Cost of postage only:

Publications of the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs Information Division:
         "Return to 1947?", c. 1956.
         "The Arabs in Israel", 1958.
         "Israel - 25 Years," 1973
         "The Gulf of Akaba," 1957
"Gaza...Aggression or Peace," 1957
"Topics: No. 9 - The Arabs in Israel," July 1962
"Topics: No. 12 - Israel's National Water Project," October 1964
"Topics: No. 13 - The Arab Refugee Issue," December 1964
                 "Defenceless (sic) " - Three Complaints by the Government 
of Israel Respecting

Publication of the American Committee for Israel's Tenth Anniversary 
"Highlights in the Life of Israel, Chronology of Israel's Struggle To Be 
Born, Survive and Grow 1947-1957"
"Israel: 10 Years of Progress, Facts and Figures, 19448-1958"

Pamphets about Israel's Six-Day War:
Israeli Publication Services, 1972
"While they were at war" by Rosheen Eilan, a pamphlet about the 1967 war.

Publication of the Synagogue Council of America
"The Religious Dimensions of Israel: The Challenge of the Six Day 
War"  Edited by Rabbi Henry Siegman, includes articles by Solomon Sharfman, 
David Polish, Edward M. Gershfield, Shubert Spero and Franklin H. Littell, 

Published by the IDF Information Office
"This was Goliath" edited by Eliyahu S. Levi. Printed in Israel by Naidat 
Press, Tel Aviv, Ocotober 1967.

Publication of the Association for Peace
"Four Solutions to the Palestinian Problem" no date - but must be 1968 or later

Publication of Israel Information Services, New York
"Arab Terror Strategy: The Latest Phase of the 20 Year War" by Yosef 
Tekoah, Israel Ambassador to the United Nations, 1968

Publication of the Israel Office of Information
"Jerusalem and the United Nations"  second edition, 1955

Publication of the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism
"As Driven Sands: the Arab Refugees" by Balfour Brickner, 1958.
This pamphlet is the second in a series of studies under the general 
heading "Issues of Conscience."

Publication of the Israel Academic Committee on the Middle East in 
association with the Weizmann Institute of Science
"The Jewish Presence in Palestine" by Samuel Katz, taken from Chapter four 
of the book Battleground-Fact and Fantasy in Palestine by Samuel Katz, 
which was published in English by Bantam Books, New York, 1973.

Published by the Organization and Information Departments of the Jewish 
Agnecy, Jerusalem, 1957
"Jews on the Move to Israel: A Year of Progress in Immigration, Absorption 
and Settlement" edited by Sh. Ben Eliezer, Treasury Department, Jewish Agency

Magazine - Israel and Middle East Special Issue: 8 Years of Arab 
Aggression, 1956

"Hamassad" Organ of the Keren Hayesod, Jerusalem, July 1942, yellowed, 
brittle orginal
                 newsprint. Includes the following articles: The Economic 
War Effort of the Jews in Palestine, The Trials of Aliyah, Keren Hayesod 
Activity October 1940- March 1942.

Publication of the World Zionist Organization
"Confrontation: Viewpoints on Zionism, Zionism: Ideal and Realism" by Dr. 
Nahum Goldmann printed in Jerusalem, 1970

Reprints of articles about Israel, from American Press:
The Detroit News, "Eight Articles by Brig. Gen. S.L.A. Marshall on Israel 
and the Israeli Campaign", 1957.
Khan, Mizra, "The Arab Refugees: A Study in Frustration", Midstream: A 
Quarterly        Jewish Review, 1956.
New York Herald Tribune, "Israel After 10 Years", 1958. (2 copies)
Gellhorn, Martha, "Mideast's Refugees: Victims or a Hope?", from LA 
Times/      Washington Post, 1967.
Horowitz, Irving Louis, and Maurice Zeitlin, "Israel Imperatives and Jewish 
Agonies",   from Judaism: A  Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 
vol. 16(4), 1967.
Meir, Golda, "Israel in Search of Lasting Peace", from Foreign Affairs: An 
American     Quarterly Review, April, 1973.
The USA Department of State, "United States Policy in the Near East 
Crisis", from The   Department of  State Bulletin, 1969.
Schectman, Joseph. "In the United Nations" Reprinted from "The American 
Zionist" and "November 29, 1947" by David Horowitz, also reprinted from 
"The American Zionist"

Book of Documents submitted to the General Assembly of the UN relating to 
the establishment of the National Home for the Jewish People, May 1947
The Israel Yearbook, 1972
The Israel Yearbook, 1976
Oron, Yitzhak, ed., Middle East Record, Volume One, 1960, George 
Weidenfield  Nicolson Limited, for     The Israel Oriental Society and The 
Reuven      Shiloah Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 1960.

"Dispersion and Unity" - 1970-1974 (5 volumes)

State of Israel Ministry of Health Reports -1964-1981

The Israel Digest
Publication:The Israel Digest of Press and Events in Israel and the Middle 
East, Jan. 1964 - July 1965 (published bi-weekly)

Pamphlets Written by Abba Eban
Published by the Israel Office of Information
         "The Toynbee Heresy", 1955.
         "The Arab Refugees", November, 1958.
         "The Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy", November, 1954.
Published by the Embassy of Israel
                 "Never Have Freedom and International Morality Been So 
Righteously Protected" June 1967 - Text of Address in the General Assembly 
of the United Nations
Reprinted from "Foreign Affairs" - "Reality and Vision in the Middle East" 
July 1976.

Susan Woodland
Hadassah Archives at the American Jewish Historical Society
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New York, NY  10011-6301

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