Ron Freeman of Temple Am David, Warwick (Rhode Island) wrote on the 
USCJ Prez-list the following comment. If anyone has a written 
statement about donations, please send it along to Ron at

Below is his request followed by I wrote to him

We are beginning to receive book donations for our library.   I 
believe we will need a written donation policy statement at some 
point.  A well crafted, detailed written policy as to the 
acceptability of potential donations, agreed upon and signed off on 
by the entire library committee, goes a long way in assuaging 
people's feelings when books are not accepted for inclusion in the 
collection.    Does anyone have such a policy or letter?

The Association of Jewish Libraries recognizes the need for a Library 
Mission and Policy Statement as fundamental for all libraries so that 
your library doesn't turn into a Room Full of Dead Books. This 
statement should also include a  clear policy about donated books.

Donated books is a classic problem especially  for synagogue 
libraries that might have a high percentage of such books. These 
books are often generated by the well-meaning (though mis-guided) 
desires of those who are moving house or of relatives who are loathe 
to part with, for sentimental reasons, the inheritance of books of a 
departed loved one. On the other hand, they are equally loathe to 
give up space on their own shelves in their own homes. Usually the 
relatives will keep anything of value (sentimental or otherwise) and 
leave the rest on the doorstep of your synagogue library. You are 
then stuck unable to get rid of what is unnecessary (except at 
midnight when no one's looking) and you can't keep it because it 
either doesnot suit the needs of your congregation and/or it eats up 
precious shelf space.

This is the AJL/Hasafran e-list where I sent a copy of your email
And this is the page. If you have a librarian (and even if you don't) 
your synagogue should most definitely become members of AJL. The La 
Javurá library (....blimey! La Javurá itself!....) would be nothing 
today were it not for the heroic librarians of AJL.

Shabat shalom to one and all
Join us for kabalat shabat every Friday at 8p.m. (Spain time) on 
UStream. If you let me know you're coming, I'll shout out the Sim 
Shalom (english edition) page numbers (unless you speak spanish of 
course then you'll fit right in!).
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador "La Javurá"
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (Spain)
34 96 380 2129
34 96 380 6970
658 721 769
URL:  and
SKYPE   albatoscanovalencia


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