Claudia Roden
November 14 2006, 7:30 PM
Washington DCJCC
"Claudia Roden is no more a simple cookbook writer than Marcel Proust 
was a biscuit maker," declares historian Simon Schama. In her seminal 
books on Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food, Roden weaves together 
memoir, history, anthropology, and recipes to tell the story of a 
culture through its cuisine. In The Book of Jewish Food, we learn 
what the ancient Hebrews ate and that fish and chips was introduced 
to England by Portuguese Jews. Born in Cairo, Roden left at 15, after 
the Suez Canal crisis led to the confiscation of property and other 
attacks on the Egyptian Jewish community. She is the author of 
numerous books, including A Book of Middle Eastern Food, The Food of 
Italy: Region by Region, and most recently, Arabesque: A Taste of 
Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon.
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