February 7, 2011

  Association of Jewish Libraries
  P.O. Box 1118
  Teaneck, N.J.  07666


       I have a collection of books on Judaism and related  topics 
inherited from my parents.  These books were  published 
between   1933 and 1993.  I want to give them to institutions 
or   individuals who  would have a use for them.  My first choice is 
to donate  these books   to Jewish libraries.

An inventory of these books is  attached.

  Please  forward this inventory to your member libraries, who   may 
have these books on a first-come-first-serve  basis.  I  will 
pay  all shipping costs.  I ask only two things in  return.
  I would like to   have a receipt for income tax 
purposes.   The  receipt  does not need to   show a dollar value for 
the books.

I would also  like  each book   plated as follows:

  This book is a gift of  the estate of
  Henry Feldman, 1912 - 1998
  Rebecca Feldman, 1913 - 1998

  Sincerely yours,

Louis  A. Feldman
P.O.  Box 221309
Sacramento, CA 95822-8309

  Louis Feldman

  Books of Henry and Rebecca Feldman

Box 1

Twenty Centuries of Jewish Life in the Holy Land:  The Forgotten Generations
Edited by Dan Bahat
The Israel Economist, Jerusalem, 1976 [Paperback]

Hebrew Manuscript Painting
by Joseph Gutmann
George Braziller, New York, 1978

Temple B'nai Israel 100 Years, Saginaw, Michigan
by Karen Kritz Demetriou and Fran Rubin Weinstein
[No publisher is given.] 1991

Our City The Jews of San Francisco
by Irena Narell
Howell-North Books, San Diego, California, 1981
(The book is autographed by the author.)

A Feast of History:  Passover Through the Ages
by Chaim Raphael
Simon and Shuster, New York, 1972

by Robert St. John
Introduction by Abba Eban
Life World Library
Time-Life Books, New York, 1968

Israel in Pictorial Maps
Designed by Friedel Stern
An Israel Publication, Tel Aviv,   [No publication date is given.]

Finding Our Fathers:  A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy
by Dan Rottenberg
Random House, New York, 1977

The Joys of Yiddish
by Leo Rosten
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1968

Abba Eban:  An Autobiography
by Abba Eban
Random House, New York, 1977

O Jerusalem!
by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1972

The Old Country
by Sholom Aleichem
Translated by Julius and Frances Butwin
Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1965

The New Functional Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew Dictionary
by Nathan Goldberg
Ktav Publishing House, Inc., New York, 1958

American Jewish Landmarks:  A Travel Guide and History
Volume I:  The Northeast
by Bernard Postal and Lionel Koppman
Fleet Press Corporation, New York, 1977  [Paperback]

Basic Judaism
by Milton Steinberg
Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1947

A Book of Jewish Curiosities
by David M. Hausdorff
Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1956

Certain People of the Book
by Maurice Samuel
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York, 1977  [Paperback]

The Torah, Genesis:  A Modern Commentary I
by W. Gunther Plaut
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York, 1967  [Paperback]

Modern Hebrew, Revised Edition, Part One
by Harry Blumberg and Mordecai H. Lewittes
Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 1963

The Jewish Home Beautiful
by Betty D. Greenberg and Althea O. Silverman
The Women's League of the United Synagogue of America, New York, 1947

The Way of Torah: An Introduction to Judaism
by Jacob Neusner
Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc., Belmont, California, 1970  [Paperback]

The Tales of Rabbi Nachman
by Martin Buber
Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman
Horizon Press, New York, 1956

Essays in Traditional Jewish Thought
by Samuel Belkin
Philosophical Library, New York, 1956

A Book of Jewish Thoughts
Authorized American Edition
Ninth Printing
by Joseph Herman Hertz
Bloch Publishing Company, New York 1949

Sabbath:  The Day of Delight
by Abraham E. Millgram
The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1952

The Bar Mitzvah Treasury
Edited by Azriel Eisenberg
Behrman House Publishers, Inc., New York, 1952

Pathways Through the Bible
Ninth Printing
by Mortimer J. Cohen
The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1953

Sayings of the Fathers
by Joseph H. Hertz
Behrman House Publishers, Inc., New York, 1945

The Women's League Handbook and Guide
by Sarah Kussy
The National Women's League of the United Synagogue of America,
New York City, 1947

What the Jews Believe
by Philip S. Bernstein
Farrar Straus and Young, New York, 1951

Our Religion: The Torah
by Rabbi Alfred J. Kolatch
The Jonathan David Co., Publishers, New York, 1956

The Life and Sayings of the Baal Shem
by Salomo Birnbaum
Translated from the German by Irene Birnbaum
Edited by Maximilian Hurwitz
Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 1933

The Book of Passover:  Passover in Life and Literature and Haggadah
Presented by Yeshivah Torah Vodaath
Jewish Pocket Books
Spero Foundation, New York,  No publication date is given.  [Paperback]

Box 2

The Invisible Chariot:  An Introduction to Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality
by Deborah Kerdeman and Lawrence Kushner
Alternatives in Religious Education, Inc., 1986  [Paperback]

A Treasury of Jewish Poetry from Biblical Times to the Present
Edited by Nathan and Marynn Ausubel
Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1957

The Thirteenth Tribe:  The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage
by Arthur Koestler
Random House, New York, 1976

Rome and Jerusalem
by Moses Hess
Translated and Edited by Rabbi Maurice J. Bloom
Philosophical Library, New York, 1958

A Treasury of Jewish Folklore
Edited by Nathan Ausubel
Crown Publishers, New York, 1953

Jewish Holidays and Festivals
by Deborah Ross
The B. Manischewitz Company, Newark, New Jersey, 1969  [Paperback]

Against Despair
by Elie Wiesel
United Jewish Appeal, New York, 1974  [Paperback]

Pavilion of Judaism
[Published for the Pavilion of Judaism at Expo '67]
Foundation for Judaism, 1967  [Paperback]

Tzedakah:  A Way of Life
Edited by Azriel Eisenberg
Behrman House, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1963, [Paperback]

The 613 Ordinances of Life
by Isidor Katz
[No Publisher is given.], 1958   [Spiral Bound Paperback]

A Golden Treasury of Jewish Literature
Edited by Leo W. Schwartz
Rinehart & Company, Inc. New York, 1937, Tenth Printing, circa 1958

Legends of the Bible
by Louis Ginzberg
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1956

Essays in Traditional Jewish Thought
by Samuel Belkin
Philosophical Library, New York, 1956

Searching the Prophets for Values
by Balfour Brickner and Albert Vorspan
Union of Amrican Hebrew Congregations, New York, 1981  [Paperback]

Judaism and Ecology
by Shomrei Adamah
A Hadassah Study Guide
Hadassah, New York, 1993  [Paperback]

Answer Guide to Judaism and Ecology
by Naomi Abrahami and Claudia Chernov
Hadassah, New York, 1993  [Paperback]

Israeli and American Jews:  Understanding and Misunderstanding
A Study Guide
(No author is given.)
Hadassah, New York, 1992  [Paperback]

Bat Kol
Jewish Education Guide, Fall/Winter 1991/92
Department of Jewish Education
Hadassah, New York, 1992?  [Paperback]


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