Perhaps what is needed is an alternative for those who can't stay at 
hotels, eg. home hospitality, or a Y.  The airfare is always a big one, but 
JetBlue is quite a deal.  Last year, we in New York hosted the 
convention.  I offered my apt. in Brooklyn, but got no takers.  Needless to 
say, I was disappointed, but understood why a stay at the hotel was 
preferable.  At any rate,  having been active in the Jewish community over 
the years, I think home hospitality for some is even superior to a 
hotel-stay. It's what you're looking for.  Whatever the case, I second 
thoughts voiced re:  professional recognition, reimbursement, etc.  Here at 
Yeshiva University, it's one of the perks of the job.  It certainly does 
make a difference.  However, even when I wasn't being helped out, I still 
endeavored to attend local sessions.  One problem not mentioned is time 
missed away from work.  My employer covers that.  For those at school 
libraries, having the convention after school lets help should be of some 
help.  Of course, synagogue librarians are not always so lucky.  To them, I 
suggest that they pursue courses of action and support put forth so 
far.  Any job doing is worth doing well.

Stephanie Gross
Electronic Reserves
Pollack Library
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033
T:  212.960.5442
F:  212.960.0066

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