-----Original Message-----

 >Does anyone know of a DVD on Operation Solomon?  I have a teacher
 >who insists there is such a thing, but I haven't been able to find

Again...The Second Time DVD(1991)

Follow May, 1991's "Operation Solomon," in which 14,000 Ethiopian 
Jews were airlifted from Africa to new lives in Israel in an 
astonishing 36-hour period, and see how the remarkable feat was 
accomplished, in this documentary. AKA: "Operation Solomon." 19 min.
Category: Documentary
Format: DVD - Color   ISBN 1-56082-087-X
Catalog #: D79402  $29.99

Found on the Movies Unlimited web site: 
and Jewish Video : 

Daniel Stuhlman
ddstuhlman  at earthlink.net
Chicago, IL

Blog:  http://kol-safran.blogspot.com/

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