
For Day School Librarians and those with a personal connection to day
schools, just a heads up that this weekend kicks off the Partnership
for Excellence in Jewish Education Assembly in Baltimore. (Is anyone
on-list going? If so, I'd love to hear from you -- let me know?)

This event is geared mostly to those running schools, with significant
focus on finances and PR.

It's also an opportunity for us to help administrators locate
additional follow-up materials on topics addressed.

See the schedule posted at

They are also blogging and tweeting:
http://twitter.com/PEJEjds; #PEJEAssembly

If you are either attending, or provide supporting resources to your
administration, please e-mail me directly or add to the AJL wiki so we
can compile and share resources.



Sara Ravid
VP ~ Synagogue, School and Center Division
Association of Jewish Libraries ~ http://www.jewishlibraries.org


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