A researcher in Southern California is looking for advice on 
additional sources (primary and secondary) for background material 
for a novel.  She sent me the following description of her project 
and her situation, emphasizing the need for more information on daily 
life for the poorer classes in the shtetl:

<< I am researching for a novel I'm writing, which is set in Russia, 
the Pale of the Settlement, in 1905.  I've looked at the new Yale 
University encyclopedia about Eastern Europe, gone on the internet 
and collected books, including a few memoirs that were written about 
that period.  But the more I write, the more questions I have, about 
daily life for the poorer classes in the shtetl, military life, 
landscape, etc. >>

If anyone has suggestions for her please contact her 
directly.  Thanks very much.
Her contact information:
Beverly Magid

Submitted by
Susan Woodland
Director, Hadassah Archives
at the American Jewish Historical Society

Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th Street
New York, NY  10011

917 606-8259
fax - 212 294-6161


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