----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: "Weisbarth, Bracha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Farewell to Bracha Weisbarth

Dear Friends, Quoting Ecclesiastes: "For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heavens," it is now my time to say goodbye to you all. I am retiring as Director of Library Services of the Waldor Memorial Library of the JEA. It is a bitter sweet moment but it has to be done. My last day at the Library will be Friday November 5, 2004. After that you can reach me at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] . We plan to move out of our house on December 12, and go to Israel around December 18, 2004. We will live in Ra'anana, and I will have time to be a grandmother to my four lovely granddaughters, but I will continue to be active, writing my second book, writing book reviews and articles for the New Jersey Jewish News, do some translation work, lecture and do whatever else that is interesting. I will let you know my new Israeli e-mail and phone as soon as I have it. I hope to hear from you. The text below is self explanatory. So... Shalom Ve'lhitraot. Bracha

Dear Friends,

It is with mixed emotions that we share the announcement of Bracha Weisbarth’s retirement as Director of the Waldor Memorial Library. She

will be leaving early in November in order to return to Israel with her husband, Gabi.

For the past twelve years Bracha has guided the growth and development of

our Jewish Community library from preparing it for its original move to the

Alex Aidekman Family Campus to the present time. Under her care and supervision the Waldor Memorial Library has grown to house the largest collection of Judaica books and audio or video tapes in our state, outside of an academic setting.

We are grateful to Bracha for the outstanding contribution and devotion she has shown. Therefore, we would like to show our appreciation by having you join us at a Farewell reception for Bracha, on Monday, November 15, 2004 at 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM at the Bleiwise Conference Center of the Alex Aidekman Family Campus. The covert will be at least $18 to cover the reception and a small contribution towards a gift to the Library in her honor, as per her wish.

Please RSVP to Karen Beno @ 973-929-2977 by November 10 and make checks payable to the JEA – Waldor Memorial Library.

We hope you will join us as we say thank you and good-bye to Bracha and acknowledge her invaluable contribution to our community. We wish her and Gabi a Tzeitchem L’Shalom (may they go in peace) and a smooth and successful transition in their return to Israel.


Hilda Jaffe, Co-Chair Shelley Levine, President

Waldor Memorial Library Jewish Education Association

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