What: Searching For Baghdad: A Daughter's Journey-film and presentation
by filmmakers

When: Thursday, April 15, 2004, 7:00pm

Where: DCJCC-16th & Q Streets, NW , Washington DC

Members $7.50 / Non-Members $9 ($1 student/senior discount)

Searching for Baghdad is the story of Carole Basri's journey to find the
remnants of her Iraqi-Jewish heritage.  Afraid to visit her homeland but
desperate to trace her roots, Basri traces the lives of Iraqi Jews who
ventured out of Baghdad in the 19th century looking for a better life.
She whisks us off to a quartet of Asian countries - India, Hong Kong,
Singapore, and Myanmar - to visit the centerpiece of each community, its
synagogue, where we meet an eclectic mix of characters committed to
sustaining the Iraqi-Jewish culture.

After the screening, filmmakers Carole Basri and Adriana Davis will
answer questions and share excerpts from their post-Saddam-era
work-in-progress "The Last Jews of Baghdad: End of an Exile; Beginning
of a Journey."  Discussion will be followed by a curator-led gallery
tour of the "Homelands" exhibition.

jessika cirkus
gallery coordinator/literary programs coordinator

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