New publication recommendation:

"Genesis: The Untold Story"
Authors: Dr. Lisa Aiken and Dr. Ira Michaels
Publication Date: December 1, 2007
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 0-9779629-1-1
Cloth Bound + Full Color Dust Jacket, 6x9, 265 pages, includes 
chapter summaries and appendices
Published by: Rossi Publications

In Dr. Lisa Aiken's tenth book, she tackles the first book of the Old 
Testament: Genesis. The stories from Genesis are familiar from 
childhood, yet they might seem dated or irrelevant in the 
twenty-first century. In "Genesis: The Untold Story," Dr. Aiken and 
Dr. Ira Michaels propose that by putting aside childhood 
preconceptions and viewing Genesis with a more sophisticated eye, the 
reader may discover new insights into life.

"Genesis: The Untold Story" revisits passages perhaps considered 
simplistic and reveals how these stories can teach vital lessons. The 
book's unique melding of historical facts with Biblical narrative 
leaves the reader with indispensable insights into the purpose and 
meaning of life in the modern world.

Available now:

Rossi Publications
Jerusalem - New York - Los Angeles
269 South Beverly Drive, Suite 296, Beverly Hills, California 90212
p. 310-867-6328 • il. +972-2-679-7310

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