Greetings Fellow MLIS graduates (and all on the list ;=)

Help Needed on Survey for Phd Student on Social Connections for 
Employment for Online and Fact to Face Students MLIS programs

I would like to ask your assistance ( and forgiveness if this is a 
duplicate request) in taking a survey to help us with our 
research.  It is quite interesting - I have taken it myself, and am 
extremely curious about the results.   For completing the survey you 
could win a brand new Apple iPad, it just takes registering once you 
finish (but you do have to finish).  The odds are not bad, either ;=).

We would like ONLY the following to complete the survey:  GRADUATES 
of MLIS programs from the following institutions between 2006 and 2011 ONLY:

University of South Carolina
Valdosta State University
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
East Carolina University

If you have colleagues, friends, acquaintances that graduated from 
these institutions, please let them know or send us their email 
address and we will let them know!  We have had a difficult time 
reaching ECU students in particular.  We would deeply appreciate your 
help.  We realize you may be surveyed out - but this will be 
interesting and the results will be quite helpful to incoming 
students as well as current ones!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me (my 
email is in the "copy to" section above or call me at 
336-272-9000.   For technical questions or to request results, please 
contact  Dr. Fatih Oguz at

If you have friends or colleagues that might like to participate, 
please feel free to forward the email. They just have to have 
attended the above schools and be MLIS graduates.

Many thanks and here is the link:
Nancy Poole, MBA, MLIS
Ph.D. Student, LIS/Educational Studies
Department of Library and Information Studies
University of North Carolina at Greensboro


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