Back when I presented my paper "Beyond Maus : How to
Expand Your Collection of Holocaust Comics and Graphic
Novels" at the AJL conference in Toronto, I wasn't
aware of scans of entire comic stories being made
available for free online. Unfortunately, only 2 of
the sites listed below are publisher sites (and thus,
obviously being done with permission).

Most of these I would caution with the phrase
"Suggested for mature readers", which may be seen on
the covers of the more "adult" comics.


Berliner, Janet. "Mi Yagid Lebanim? : Who Will Tell
the Children?" Introduction to Charnel Houses of
Europe : The Shoah (1996)
This is actually an illustrated essay, not a comic
story. However, I thought it was close enough that I
should include it in this list.

Bogdanove, Jon & Louise Simonson. [Untitled]. Superman
: The Man of Steel #81 June 1998 (NY : DC)
Click on the numbered hyperlinks to go to that page.

Bogdanove, Jon & Louise Simonson. Superman : The Man
of Steel #82 Jul. 1998 (NY : DC)
Click on the numbered hyperlinks to go to that page.

These 2 stories attracted the attention of the ADL's
Abe Foxman, who wrote "he never names the victims. The
intent was to send a universal message. The result
proved offensive to Holocaust victims".

Chick, Jack T. "Holocaust" [tract] c1984. (Chino, CA:
Chick Publications)
Anti-Catholic hate literature in the form of an
evangelistic tract aimed at Jews.

Feldstein, Al. "Master Race" Impact #1 (5th story)
Mar.-Apr. 1955, reprinted in Kurtzman, Harvey. From
Aargh! to Zap! : Harvey Kurtzman's Visual History of
the Comics (Toronto : Prentice Hall Press, 1991), pg.
34 and reprinted in Impact #1 Apr. 1999 (West Plains,
MO : Gemstone).
(click on the graphic to advance to each successive

Franks, Jason and J. Marc Schmidt. "One More Bullet"
One More Bullet (anthology) c2005.
(click on the "Next" hyperlink to advance to
successive pages)

Ten Boom, Corrie. The Hiding Place (Old Tappan, NJ :
Spire, 1973).
Mini-memoir of a righteous Gentile. Also an
evangelical comic.



Steven M. Bergson, Librarian
Jewish Public Library of Toronto

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