I have discovered some portfolios and a book or two that someone--I 
know not who--brought back from pre-1948 Palestine and these items 
ended up in our temple.  They are by famous Israeli artists--e.g. a 
portfolio of prints by Boris Schatz (founder of the Bezalel School), 
including a booklet signed by Schatz and by his son Bezalel Schatz.
   Another item is a lovely, hand-sewn little book of "ten pictures" 
of Eretz Yisrael by Zeev Raban, also an early Bezalel School artist.
   (I think I wrote earlier about the artist Stanislaus Bender--who 
was not Israeli).
   I suspect these things are of significant value, and when I search 
the web, I sometimes find--as in the case of the "ten pictures" by 
Raban, that they have been sold at auction in recent years. What's 
frustrating is --that to learn the auction price, you have to 
"subscribe" to the site.
    Does anyone have a suggestion for how to find out their auction 
prices without having to "subscribe" to these auction house sites?
  Andrea Rapp


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