Friends and Colleagues:
Read, be read to, or read to......
Once again the Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles lovingly invites all 
communities in North America and
B E Y O N D to have their congregations, classes, families, camps, etc. 
participate in the annual nationwide summer reading club.
The club is specifically designed for the Early Childhood set (beginning 
3-4 years old) through 11-12 yr. olds!
Read 6 appropriate level Jewish themed books over the summer, send in the 
list and receive a certificate and prize.
If a teacher or librarian reads to a class of 20 counts for every 
kid. If a sibling reads to a sibling, it counts for both of the kids. It's 
a piece of cake to do.

All hints, information and the form to complete will be located on the 
JCLLA web site:

All the best.
Abigail Yasgur
Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles
"promoting Jewish literacy and life"

Abigail Yasgur, M.L.S., Director
Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles
"promoting Jewish literacy"

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