I just received the pdf order form for Jewish Book Month materials. 
I've saved it as a Word document and am pasting it below for 
everyone's convenience, though formatting may not be so good. Am I 
correct that we can't send attachments to Hasafran? I've included the 
Jewish Book Council's email address on the bottom of the flyer in 
case you need it.

Debbie Stern

Order Form
Jewish Book Month Kit  $50.00

includes 2 posters, 100 book marks for children, 100 book marks for 
adults     #         Cost      Total

*Jewish Book Month Kit: Nov. 16, 2006-Dec. 16, 
2006                              $50.00

Each additional poster ordered with 
kit                                                         $17.00
add $4.50 for handling & postage for additional 1-3 posters with 
kit            $4.50

2006 Jewish Book Month poster (Purchased 
separately)                             $20.00
add $4.50 postage & handling for each 1-3 
posters                                $4.50

Jewish Book Month book marks $8.50 per 100
(ordered at time of purchase of kit) ____ for children, ____ for 
adults                          $8.50

ordered separately per 100 ____ children, ____ 
adult                                    $10.00
add $4.50 postage and handling per 
100                                          $4.50

*the complete kit includes postage. For additional items, include 
extra postage as noted.

Name: __________________________
Address: ________________________

City: ____________________________
Zip Code: ________________________

Please send check and order form to:

Jewish Book Council
15 East 26th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10010

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