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From: elizabeth rynecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Jewish Life in Poland:  Two New  books

Jewish Life in Poland: Paintings that Survived the Holocaust: Two New books

My great-grandfather, Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943) was an artist and painter in Warsaw, Poland, primarily in the 1920s and 1930s. He painted scenes of Jewish life (e.g., men studying the Talmud, Simhat Torah, etc.), scenes of everyday life (e.g., women doing household chores, men playing chess, men kibitzing and reading the daily news, etc.), and scenes from inside the Warsaw Ghetto (three paintings are known to have survived his time in the Ghetto. One is now on permanent display at Yad Vashem and can be seen online at: <http://www1.yadvashem.org/new_museum/Galleries/gal4_art.html>http://www1.yadvashem.org/new_museum/Galleries/gal4_art.html). While Moshe Rynecki perished in the Majdanek concentration camp, many of his paintings survived the war. In 1949, when my father and his parents came to the United States, they brought many of the surviving paintings with them.

In 1999 my family created an online museum (<http://www.rynecki.org/>www.rynecki.org) to display many of his paintings. Our goal was, and continues to be, to share Moshe's works with the world. We get a steady stream of visitors and are proud to report that many schools and Holocaust education programs use our website in their curriculum.

We are now excited to share Moshe's works in a new way – in a "mini-catalog" format. The book, Jewish Life in Poland: The Art of Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943) is a color book featuring 40 of Moshe's paintings. It can be viewed online at: <http://www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=11054&46150020-26972aaa>http://www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=11054&46150020-26972aaa.

The second book is, Surviving Hitler in Poland: One Jew's Story. This is a memoir written by my grandfather, George Rynecki. We found it in 1992, in the trunk of his car, as we were cleaning up his home and belongings after his funeral. The book is a collection of vignettes – his Holocaust memories – but also his memories of his father and his father's drive and ambition to paint and document the Jewish community. An excerpt can be read online: <http://www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=10702&46150020-26972aaa>http://www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=10702&46150020-26972aaa

Both books are available for sale directly from Trafford Publishing (1-250-383-6864) or via email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you wish to learn more about Moshe Rynecki's paintings, please visit the "Moshe Rynecki Virtual Museum" at <http://www.rynecki.org/>www.rynecki.org. If you have any questions about the website or books, please feel free to email me, Elizabeth Rynecki, at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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