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From: Jerusalem Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: June News from Jerusalem Books

Dear Friends,

In the field of Jewish History I would like to highlight two very different books. The first, ‘Hakhamim,’ ‘Sages – Vol. I, The Second Temple Period,’ is by R’ Binyamin Lau, published by Bet Morasha, isbn 965–7118-1–5, and is a wonderful, scholarly work of the type I characterize as a “must have.” Cat. #59817 $24.00

The second, is published by the Ben Gurion Research Institute, entitles, ‘Heiseg Histori Be-Temurotav’ ‘ Historical Achievement and it’s Evolution, the Kibbutz and Moshav Settlement Movements, 1910 – 1990. Cat. #59810 $28.50

‘Michael’s Journey,’ ‘ Toldot Michael,’ is the autobiography of Michael Schemiavitz who grew up and survived <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Vilna, Lithuania and went from being a Jewish refugee in Germany to success in Israel. Cat. #59828 $12.50

In the subject area of Israel, I have just seen two books on the War of Independence. The first, ‘Givati Brigade – Battalion 53,’ (‘Gedud 53’), published by Yaron Golan, follows and codifies the history, battles and figures (including soldiers and commanders) of this unit that fought valiantly in 1948. Cat. #59812 $25.50

The second book on this same period in history and also in Hebrew is entitled: ‘The Fall of Arab Haifa in 1948. It is published jointly by the Ben Gurion Research Institute and MOD publishing. The 526 page work is by Prof. Tamir Goren, isbn 965-510-039-1, includes detailed footnotes, documents, some photos. Cat. #59811 $23.00

Another significant work which should be noted is ‘The Epoch Between the Declaration of Cyrus and Balfour: A Comparison of the Ancient Return to Zion and the Renewed Return to the Land,’ by Dr. Menachem Stern. This work is scholarly but is self published by the author. Also the book straddles several different areas ranging from Jewish History to Zionism and Jewish Thought. The author, born in Transylvania during WWII, immigrated to Israel in 1950, served in the IDF and earned his doctorate at Bar Ilan University. Cat. #59815 $20.50

In Bible and Archaeology, the Israel Exploration Society and the Hebrew University have published, ‘Cuneiform in Canaan, Cuneiform Sources from the Land of Israel in Ancient Times.’ The landmark book, by Wayne Horowitz and Takayoshi Oshima, includes the deciphering and translation of many cuneiform fragments from important digs all over Israel. Isbn 965-221-062-5 Cat. #59844 $41.50

For those of you interested in Hebrew Literature, Avidov Lipsker has just authored a book on ‘The Poetry of Yitzhak Ogen" (Shirat Yitzhak), which deals with what the author describes as the “literaray ecosystem in Eretz Yisrael 1930-1940.’ The book is published by Magnes, in Hebrew, isbn 965–493–234-2 Cat. #59807 $19.50

From a multi – disciplinary viewpoint I would like to close by mentioning two entirely unrelated books. The reason I mention them together is that they each cover and overlap several fascinating fields and consequently are hard to categorize and distribute. ‘Glikl’ - memories 1671 – 1719; is both a translation of a classic Yiddish work into Hebrew and a new scholarly treatment of this important piece of history and documentation. The work, which is published by Merkaz Dinur at the Hebrew University and the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, and edited and translated by Chava Turniansky is important in so many ways. It includes important language German as well as Yiddish. It documents not only Jewish History but also the roles of women and much more. Isbn 965–227–213–2, Cat. #59932 $36.50

The other book which must be noted is in English, from Magnes, entitled, ‘Evidence of Francophony in Mediaeval Levant, by Cyril Aslanov, isbn 965 – 493 – 217 –2 and is basically a 13th Century French dictionary which was found at the back of a Coptic manuscript. It reveals not only the French of the crusader periods and Acco / Acre but also Arabic and culture, custom and history of Israel and Europe of the period.

Cat. #59978 $36.00

I look forward to seeing many, if not all of you at the upcoming AJL in Cambridge, MA and all of us at Jerusalem Books ltd. wish to thank you for your interest in Israel, Jewish scholarship and us. Your continuing and growing support and business is something we are grateful for and proud of.

Jeff Spitzer
Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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