Here is the Press Release I sent out to advertise our Library Snapshot Day.

Press Release

For Immediate Release

The Meyers Library of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in Elkins 
Park will hold a Library Snapshot Day on Sunday morning November 7. 
The featured event of the morning is a presentation by local author, 
Linda Nesvisky.  She will share writer's secrets from her newly 
published book "Jewish Philadelphia: A Guide to its Sights and 
Stories" at 10 am in the Meyers Library of the Congregation. 
Nesvisky, a KI member and well respected local tour guide knows the 
hotspots and hidden gems of Jewish Philadelphia. Jewish Exponent, 
Literary Editor, Robert Leiter in reviewing the book said:  "I have a 
soft spot for books like Jewish Philadelphia, works that allow you to 
"travel" -- even through the byways and side streets of familiar 
terrain -- without ever leaving homeĀ…. (It is) knowledgeable, easy to 
digest and functional in the best sense of that word. "(July 22, 
2010).  Books will be available for purchase at this program.

Other activities for both children and adults include a display in 
the Meyers Library of "It's All About Jewish Books: Jewish Book 
Reports" prepared by the Religious School and Pre-School students and 
interviews with a Roving Reporter for individuals to share their 
favorite Jewish Books on video. Adults can participate in a "Jewish 
Literature Quiz" where they compete against other congregants to win 
a prize in either the Basic or Advance Quiz. Religious School 
Students will play educational Literary Computer Games in the Computer lab.

The Meyers Library is joining The Association of Jewish Libraries in 
celebrating Library Snapshot Day.

For more information contact Ellen Tilman, Director of Library 
Services, at or 215-887-8700 x122.

Ellen Tilman
Director of Library Services
Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel
8339 Old York Road
Elkins Park, PA 19027
215-887-8700 x122


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