----------------------- Message requiring your approval ----------------------
From: Asmi-Semel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Library jobs in Israel - Shoshana Hurwitz

Dear Shoshana,

Your mail has reached our offices, and we hope it came to the "right place" and we will be able to help you. We are the ASMI association – the Israeli Association of Librarians and Information Professionals – an independent, non-profitable organization which consists of members coming from various libraries and information centers - academic, public, government, medical, Hi-tech and religious. We would like to wish you luck at your studies, and hope to have you here in Israel with us in the year 2008 as you plan. In general, in the public sector in Israel, one can find tables of positions and salary levels, but in the private market there is no uniformity and the salaries situation is more complex. You can find more information on our web-site www.asmi.org.il, but, the site is in Hebrew and caters mostly to Hebrew speaking people (even though there is one page in English). When you are here, we will be happy to assist you with our contacts and vast information of this field, and in any other possible way.
You will be more than welcome to join us as a member.

Sincerely yours,

ASMI – Israeli Association of Librarians and Information Professionals
Mally Balot
Association Secretary
Tel: 972-3-5472644
Fax: 972-3-5472649

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