Dear Colleagues,

Micha Oppenheim, who has been a fixture at the Library of The Jewish
Theological Seminary since 1966 is retiring from his position as
Bibliographic Control Librarian. I know that Micha's professionalism,
wisdom and personal touch has impacted so many Judaica Librarians
throughout the world over these 41 years. I am therefore turning to
you to participate in the celebration of Micha's retirement.

We are preparing a tribute book to Micha with memories from the JTS
Library and of his career and contributions as a Judaica librarian
over the past four decades. If you are interested in participating in
the tribute book we are inviting members of the broader community to
write a short or long note to Micha for inclusion in the scrap book.
I will be collecting the materials and you can either email your
notes to me or send it by regular mail by Monday, June 25th for
inclusion in the book that will be presented to him at the farewell
party that we are having for the Library staff.

I thank you in advance for your participation.

Naomi Steinberger

Naomi M. Steinberger
Director of Library Services
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
phone: 212-678-8982
fax: 212-678-8891

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