Rubin Mass Publishers & Booksellers

Dear Book friends,
We are happy to offer you a new printing of Mishnat Ha Zohar (The 
Wisdom of Splendour) , essential books for everyone who's interesting 
in the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism.

Mishnat Ha Zohar -The Wisdom of Splendour- 2 vols. Set

The Zohar (Hebrew "Splendour, radiance") is widely considered the 
most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. The Zohar is a 
mystical commentary on the Torah (the five books of Moses), written 
in medieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew. It contains a mystical 
discussion of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the 
universe, the nature of souls, sin, redemption, good and evil, and 
related topics. The Zohar is not one book, but a group of books. One 
can find in it scriptural interpretations as well as material on 
theosophic theology, mythical cosmogony, mystical psychology, and 
what some would call anthropology.
Mishnat Ha Zohar includes texts from the Book of Splendour (Ha Zohar 
) systematically arranged and  translated into Hebrew by F. Lachover 
and I. Tishby. and with instructions, explanations and variants by I. Tishby.
Jerusalem Mosad Bialik ; 2 volumes. Hard cover; in Hebrew. Vol. 1 
2006 Eighth printing, 513 pp ; Vol2. - 2007 Seventh printing, 785 pp.
Sale Price: $99
Shipping by air: $39 for the two volumes

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