Hi folks,

I'm a grad student here at Syracuse University living in Dewitt, NY. 
I wanted to know if either

1)      Anyone heading up to Montreal from NYC or elsewhere would be 
able to give me a ride to and from the convention


2)      Would share a room at the hotel with me this summer.


You would be welcome to stay at our apartment for Shabbos leading up 
to the convention (we keep kosher and shomer Shabbos). If you're 
coming from NYC, it's a great way to split up the trip since it's 
only about 4.5 hours from here to Montreal.

More generally for other folks driving up for NYC: consider staying 
in Dewitt on the Shabbos as a way to break up the drive from NYC. We 
constantly get travelers to and from Montreal stopping here in Dewitt 
because it's the halfway point between Montreal and NYC. There's a 
hotel within walking distance of the shul (about 1 mi) and perhaps a 
family or two who might be able to host people for Shabbos. Please 
contact me if you need any more info. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Bob Schrier

Syracuse University MSLIS Graduate program


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