Portuguese and English
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Dear safranim shalom,
I want to add to the important list that Jacob Richman share with us, 
a selection of books, documentaries [videos] and websites, in 
Spanish, Portuguese, Ladino and English about the Shoah. This is the 
Bibliographic section of  SHOA – Enciclopedia del Holocausto, in Spanish.

I put this section of the encyclopedia in a special webpage and I 
hope that it will be helpful. Is it possible to find there a lot of 
pedagogic material in paper, videos and some important websites in 
Spanish, including the one of the International School for Holocaust 
Studies, Yad Vashem.

By the way, I have now a US vendor.
The encyclopedia is also at the USHMM bookshop, as well as Dina 
Porat, Con las manos atadas – El liderazgo sionista y el Holocausto, 1939-1945.


Dr. Efraim Zadoff
183 Derech Hahoresh
Jerusalem 91234
P.O.Box 23526
Jerusalem 91234
tel. 972 2 5865596
fax. 972 2 5860829


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