and Italian Culture
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Venice, the Jews, and Italian Culture: Historical Eras and Cultural 

Directors: Murray Baumgarten, University of California, Santa Cruz and
Shaul Bassi, University of Venice


We are pleased to announce that the National Endowment for the 
Humanities has invited us to conduct the Institute on "Venice, the 
Jews, and Italian Culture: Historical Eras and Cultural 
Representations" again next summer. The Institute will be held in 
Venice from June 16–July 18, 2008. The application deadline is March 3, 2008.

College and university teachers of American undergraduate students 
are invited to apply. Qualified independent scholars and those 
employed by museums, libraries, historical societies, and other 
organizations may be eligible for consideration as well, provided 
they can effectively advance the teaching and research goals of the 
institute. Participants will receive a stipend from the NEH towards 
their expenses.

Brief Description:

College and University teachers are invited to participate in this 
five-week, inter-disciplinary institute exploring the cultural, 
intellectual, and historic experience of Venetian Jewry. Participants 
will receive a stipend from the NEH towards their expenses. Our 
primary focus will be the Ghetto of Venice, which gave its name to 
all such subsequent ethnic enclosures. We will explore the history of 
the Ghetto of Venice as built environment, cultural text, and 
symbolic site. Together we will examine various artistic materials 
representing Italian and Venetian Jewish life, including literary, 
artistic, and dramatic works.This will make it possible for us to 
reinhabit the Ghetto through the eras of its existence. The Institute 
will begin with the Renaissance, while emphasizing the modern 
experience of Venetian Jewry, a paradigmatic Italian Jewish 
community. The program is designed to benefit scholars in various 
fields, including European culture, literature, art, and history, 
Holocaust studies, Italian studies, and Jewish studies.

For more information, read the Director's Letter for the NEH Venice 
Institute or see NEH Institute 2008.

Paul Howard Hamburg
Librarian for the Judaica Collection
438 Doe Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720-6000
Tel: (510) 643-3353
Fax: (510) 643-6650
Cell: (510) 387-5827

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