Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Academic Studies Press is pleased to announce that Persecution, 
Polemic, and Dialogue: Essays in Jewish-Christian Relations by David 
Berger is now available. Please visit our website for more information about this book 
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Persecution, Polemic, and Dialogue: Essays in Jewish-Christian Relations
By David Berger

ISBN 978-1-934843-76-5 (cloth) $45.00 / £37.50

350 pp., June 2010

Series: Judaism and Jewish Life

Topic Areas: Comparative Religion, Interfaith Dialogue

Level: Academic

Bibliographic Data: 1. Judaism – Relations – Christianity. 2. 
Christianity and other religions – Judaism. 3. Christianity and 
anti-Semitism – History. 4. Anti-Semitism – History. I. Title.

Summary: Persecution, Polemic, and Dialogue follows the interaction 
between Jews and Christians through the ages in all its richness, 
complexity, and diversity.  This collection of essays analyzes 
anti-Semitism, perceptions of the Other, and religious debates in the 
Middle Ages and proceed to consider modern and contemporary 
interactions, which are marked by both striking continuity and 
profound difference.  These include controversies among historians, 
the promise and challenge of interfaith dialogue, and the explosive 
exchanges surrounding Mel Gibson's film on the Passion.  This volume 
will engage scholars, students, and any reader intrigued by one of 
the longest and most fraught intergroup relationships in history.

Author: David Berger (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1970) is a former 
President of the Association for Jewish Studies and Ruth and I. Lewis 
Professor and Dean at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University.


"Few bring to the subject of Jewish-Christian relations the singular 
blend of insight, erudition, and passion that characterizes David 
Berger's Persecution, Polemic, and Dialogue; and few collections of 
essays constitute as coherent and accessible an introduction to a 
difficult subject as this volume certainly does.  Professor Berger's 
studies of the major issues in the encounter between Jews and 
Christians during the Middle Ages, in the way that modern writers 
have understood that encounter, and in that encounter's enduring 
impact on Jewish-Christian interaction today reflect keen critical 
scholarship on the one hand, and a resolute commitment to Jewish 
tradition on the other.  Without compromising either, Berger boldly 
addresses the thorniest, most sensitive of issues – from the Crusades 
to the blood libels to the supersessionism of the present pope – with 
candor, fairness, and wit.  No reader, of whatever faith or critical 
disposition, will leave this book unrewarded."

-- Jeremy Cohen, Abraham and Edita Spiegel Family Foundation 
Professor of European Jewish History, Tel Aviv University

"This Masterful collection of essays is vintage David Berger – 
thoughtful, engaged, broad and insightful. Trained as a medievalist, 
specializing in the Jewish-Christian debate, Prof. Berger 
demonstrates that to understand the present relation between the two 
religions, one must go back in history and see what lessons can be 
derived from the past. Published over the course of a long career, 
these articles have stood the test of time and retain their vitality 
and liveliness, providing a model of careful and independent thinking 
on oftentimes sensitive subjects. "

--Daniel J. Lasker, Norbert Blechner Professor of Jewish Values, 
Ben-Gurion University of  Negev

Table of Contents:


Spanning the Centuries

Anti-Semitism: An 
Overview                                                             3

The Middle Ages

 From Cursades to Blood Libels to Expulsions:

Some New Approaches to Medieval Anti-Semitism                      15

A Generation of Scholarship on Jewish-Christian Interaction

in the Medieval 
World                                                                        40

Jacob Katz on Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages               51

Introduction to The Jewish Christian Debate in the High

Middle Ages: A Critical Edition of the Nizzahon Vetus with

an Introduction, Translation and Commentary                            75

On the Image and Destiny of Gentiles in Ashkenazic


On the Uses of History in Medieval Jewish Polemic

Against Christianity: The Quest for the Historical Jesus              139

Christians, Gentiles, and the Talmud: A Fourteenth-Century

Jewish Response to the Attack on Rabbinic Judaism                   158

Mission to the Jews and Jewish-Christian Contacts in the

Polemical Literature of the High Middle Ages                                177

The Barcelona Disputation: Review 
Essay                                      199

Christian Heresy and Jewish Polemic in the Twelfth and


Gilbert Crispin, Alan of Lille, and Jacob Ben Reuben:

A Study in the Transmission of Medieval Polemic                        227

The Attitude of St. Bernard of Clairvaux toward the Jews            245

St. Peter Damian: His Attitude toward the Jews and

the Old 

Modern and Contemporary Times

Religion, Nationalism and Historiography: Yehezkel

Kaufmann's Account of Jesus and Early Christianity                   291

The "Jewish Contribution" to 
Christianity                                      312

Jewish-Christian Relations: A Jewish Perspective                         333

Reflections on Conversion and Proselytizing in Judaism


On Dominus Iesus and the 
Jews                                                        378

Revisiting "Confrontation" after Forty Years: A

Response to Rabbi Eugene 
Korn                                                      385

Dabru Emet: Some Reservations about a Jewish

Statement on Christians and 
Christianity                                        392

Jews, Christians, and The 
Passion                                                    399

Index of 


Best wishes,

Christa Kling

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