High Schools
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Talmud Study in Yeshiva High Schools
by Rabbis Aharon Lichtenstein & Yehuda Brandes (ISBN 965-7324-08-4; 64

New ATID publication for the new school year...

Talmud study in yeshiva high schools creates many difficulties and
challenges. ATID is honored to present to the community of educators this
engaging debate about how to ameliorate those challenges. Rabbi Aharon
Lichtenstein and Rabbi Yehuda Brandes, among today's leading teachers of
Gemara in Israeland the world, present two very different approaches to the
most effective ways to teach Gemara under contemporary circumstances --
including the question of to what degree Gemara should be our curricular
As his been the case with other topics ATID has taken on in this series, we
do not imagine that either of these two differing policy recommendations
will  magically solve the very real struggles teachers face, nor do we
assume that either side of this debate will be appropriate for all schools.
We do believe that these suggestions can serve as a springboard for rigorous
deliberation and pedagogical  planning in high schools. Each school can
develop specific and implementable strategies which will improve the Torah
study of the students and teachers.

Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon
Shvut. His two-volume collected essays have recently been published as
Leaves of Faith
Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes heads the Beit Midrash of Beit Morasha. A member of
the  ATID faculty, Rabbi Brandes was principal of the HimmelfarbYeshivaHigh
School in Jerusalem until 1994, and has lectured at the Herzog Teacher's
College since 1991.

Purchase on Amazon.com or order through ATID.
Click here for more details, Table of Contents, or to order:
Click here for our full catalog: http://www.atid.org/publications/index.asp

Rabbi Jeffrey Saks
Director, ATID - Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions
9 HaNassi Street, Jerusalem 92188 Israel
Tel. 02.567.1719 | Cell 052.321.4884 | Fax 02.567.1723
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.atid.org

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