Israeli Scholar Brings 30 years of Research to Light

The most fascinating legend of Jewish heritage is the legend of the Ten Lost
Tribes - the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Israel who were exiled by the
Assyrians in 722 BCE.

These tribes were driven eastward, across the fabled Sambatyon River, and
beyond the Mountains of Darkness, where they hoped to live in freedom. Their
brethren, the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, did not accept their
disappearance from the annals of history. Throughout the generations they
sought them ceaselessly, but the many emissaries who were sent to find them
vanished in their turn.

Dr. Avigdor Shachan spent thirty years studying, investigating and following
in their footsteps. He gathered facts and collected documents, testimonies
and folk traditions over several continents attesting to localities where
the Ten Tribes stayed. They are presented here in a manner that leaves no
doubt as to their accuracy, credibility and veracity.

In the new book, In the Footsteps of the Lost Ten Tribes (Devora Publishing,
October 2007), the author has brought together the threads of their
wanderings, their sojourns and their temporary stays. He looks at the
cultural, religious and social impact the tribes had on neighboring peoples.
Fascinating research shows the Jewish roots of numerous Japanese and Chinese
words and customs as well as Jewish practices observed in Afghanistan.

About the Author:

Dr. Avigdor Shachan, educator, author, and historian, traveled widely to
distant countries of central Asia and examined hidden scrolls extracted from
dust-laden shelves in libraries. He studied the concealed references of
crumbling maps, perused original and translated manuscripts of the
chroniclers of the history of the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, the Jews,
Britons, Chinese and Japanese. He analyzed the testimonies of tourists,
adventurers, warriors and missionaries to follow their tracks. In 2003, Dr.
Shachan published his findings in the acclaimed Hebrew text, Towards the
Sambatyon River: A Journey in the Footsteps of the Ten Tribes.

  Title: In the Footsteps of the Lost Ten Tribes

Author: Avigdor Shachan, Ph.D

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Pub Date: October 2007     Pages:  480

ISBN: 978-1-932687-97-2 Hard Cover $24.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher.

directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.

Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

  Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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