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Creation Ex Nihilo
Thoughts on Science, Divine Providence, Free Will, and Faith in the
Perspective of My Own Experiences
Author: Benjamin Fain
ISBN: 978-9652293992
Format: Hardback, 192 pages
Publish date: July 2007
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $21.95

Creation Ex Nihilo is about science and faith, the secular view on the
one hand, and the Jewish-religious view on the other.

Professor Benjamin Fain, the renowned physicist and Soviet refusenik,
here adds his contribution to the literature showing that there is no
contradiction between science and Judaism. In a scholarly yet readable
philosophical meditation, Fain addresses the mind and soul; science, its
character and cognizance; the evolution of life and divine providence;
and God's omnipotence and omniscience versus humans' freedom of will.
Fain demonstrates how the human self with its soul, desires, and
emotions is linked to the infinite divine mind. In this world of
interplay between divine providence and free will, there is a place for
human creativity; new things, including science, are created ex nihilo.
This book demonstrates conclusively that not only do science and Judaism
not collide; they complement each other in helping us to comprehend the
world we live in.

About the Author
Benjamin Fain was born in Kiev. He obtained his Ph.D..D. from the Gorky
University (USSR) and acquired a worldwide reputation in the field of
laser physics. His activism as a Soviet refusenik, working to bring a
cultural, spiritual dimension to the Jewish national movement in the
Soviet Union, earned him a thick file with the KGB.

After suffering Soviet repression, in 1977 he was finally allowed to
fulfill his lifelong dream to move to Israel, where he has been living
and working ever since. He is currently Professor Emeritus of the School
of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University.

  "Dr. Fain's book - a deeply personal testimony of scientific and
spiritual search of our times penetrates the secrets of the world and
the depths of the spirit... This book is a must-read."
-Natan Sharansky
Distinguished Senior Fellow,
The Shalem Center

  "[A] remarkable book. It combines a sophisticated statement of the
scientist's sense of design as the best proof of God the Creator, and of
the Jewish contention that we live in a world of creation..."
-Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg President, Jewish Life Network/Steinhardt

  "This is a breath of fresh air in the domain of the philosophy of
science; it awakens renewed thought in all the subjects the book deals
with. I am full of satisfaction at the many hours that I invested in
reading it, and at the intellectual illumination that I merited to
attain through it."
-Dr. Joseph Bodenheimer
President, Jerusalem College of Technology

  "Benjamin Fain's profound reflections on human existence reflect a
remarkable contemporary scientist's restatement of ancient inquiries on
man's free will and divine knowledge. Fain's role as leading Soviet
activist, renowned physicist and historic personality is here joined
with his creative ruminations on the conundrums of faith and meaning.
His statement of faith as a man of science offers fascinating and
inspired reading."
-Jane S. Gerber
Professor of Jewish History and Director, Center for Jewish Studies and
Institute for Sephardic Studies at the Graduate Center of the City
University of New York

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