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From: "Israbook Gefen Publishing House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: New at Gefen: The Wrong Track and Other Stories by Reyla Pearl

Dear Librarians,

The Wrong Track and Other Stories
By Reyla Pearl
Price: $12.95
Hardback *144pp * ISBN 965-229-326-1*
Publish Date: 03/2005

An exploration and affirmation of the trials of aging, of relationships, of love and passion and longing, of boredom, of searching, and above all, of what it is to be human, this delightful and absorbing collection of short stories, by Jerusalem-based author Reyla Pearl, is a reading experience that is at once heartwarming and provocative. It is not just a good read – it is an adventure that draws you to its carefully crafted characters, and their emotions, and as if by osmosis, the reader identifies with each protagonist and the events unfolding around them.

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Avraham (Andy) Kohlenberg
Israbook Special Orders and Marketing
Gefen Publishing House
Jerusalem / New York

tel: 972 2 538 0247
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Gefen Books
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