Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
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Dear Librarians


Title: Unlocking the Torah Text; Bereishit
Subtitle: An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Author: Shmuel Goldin
ISBN: 978-9652294128
Format: Hardback, 336 pages
Publish date: July 2007
Ships from Gefen Books (approximately): August, 10, 2007
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $29.95

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Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth journey into the Torah 
portion through a series of studies on each parsha. Each study opens 
with a brief summary of the narrative and then presents probing 
questions designed to strike to the core of the text. These questions 
are addressed through a review of traditional commentaries spanning 
the ages, combined with original approaches. Deep philosophical 
issues and perplexing textual questions are carefully examined and 
discussed in clear and incisive fashion. The actions and motivations 
of the patriarchs, matriarchs and other biblical figures are probed 
with an eye towards determining the lessons to be learned from the 
lives of these great personalities.

Clear distinction is made between pshat (straightforward literal 
meaning) and Midrash (rabbinical exegesis) as both of these 
approaches to biblical text are carefully defined and applied. 
Finally, thought-provoking connections are raised between the eternal 
Torah narrative and critical issues of our time. Each study is thus 
constructed to encourage continued discussion and study of the Torah 
narrative. Edit

About the Author:
RABBI SHMUEL GOLDIN received his BS in psychology and his MA in 
Jewish education from Yeshiva University, and his rabbinic ordination 
from the Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. 
He has served as spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavath Torah in 
Englewood, New Jersey, since 1984. He is an instructor of Bible and 
Philosophy at the Isaac Breuer College and the James Striar School of 
Yeshiva University, founding director of and lecturer at The Eve 
Flechner Torah Institute, and past president and board member of 
numerous organizations. Noted as one of the most articulate spokesmen 
in the Orthodox community today, Rabbi Goldin has developed an 
innovative educational approach to Torah study, Jewish law and Jewish 
identity which is enthusiastically received by traditional and 
non-traditional Jews alike. Rabbi Goldin and his wife Barbara are the 
proud parents of five children, and grandparents of two. Edit

"New and refreshing insights... Rabbi Goldin acts as a responsible 
teacher of Torah, letting the text speak for itself... Unlocking the 
Torah Text is a very good book indeed, challenging the reader to use 
his native intelligence in reading the Good Book as God's Book."
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Chancellor of Yeshiva University

"Rabbi Shmuel Goldin has rendered an extraordinary service… 
Challenging us with fascinating questions, he presents unique 
solutions to problems that wemight never have noticed but which are 
critical to our understanding of the text. Sabbath discussions in the 
pulpit or around the table will be greatly enriched by his analysis."
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, spiritual leader of Congregation, Kehilath 
Jeshurun, New York City

"In Unlocking the Torah Text, Goldin provides the reader with a 
useful aid to understanding the biblical text. Writing in a pleasant, 
lucid style, he identifies the main questions, and in a modern idiom 
discusses some of the classic approaches. He carries his learning 
lightly so as to meet the challenges of the text and stimulate debate 
of the issues. A highly readable and thoughtful work."
Aviva Zornberg, author of Genesis: The Beginning of Desire, winner of 
the National Jewish Book Award

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