Dear Librarians,

We accidentally posted book information about this title with the 
wrong publication date. It is a new publication, which was issued in 
January 2006, not January, 2005 as was previously posted on Hasafran.

Sorry about that.

By the way, this has been a very popular title. It is already in its 
second printing.
For a standing order for this series send an email to me at 

Here are the details again, including the correct publication date.

Onkelos On the Torah Exodus Understanding the Bible Text Exodus
By Israel Drazin and Stanley M. Wagner
Price: $35.00
Hardcover* 408pp * ISBN 965-229-341-5*
Publish Date: January 2006

Onkelos On the Torah: Understanding the Bible Text is a unique and 
remarkable translation and English commentary of the Targum Onkelos, 
the first and only rabbinically authorized translation of the Torah.

The Book of Exodus, the first of this five- volume set to be 
published. is a deluxe edition, which will contain the Hebrew 
Massoretic text, a vocalized text of Onkelos and Rashi, Haphtarot in 
Hebrew with an English translation from the Aramaic Targumim, a 
scholarly appendix, and a "Beyond the Text" exploration of biblical themes.

The Book of Genesis is being readied for publication and is expected 
to be released in approximately six months. The remaining volumes are 
to be published in yearly intervals.

About the authors:
Israel Drazin is the author of seven books, five of which are on 
Targum Onkelos. He was the first scholar to recognize that the Targum 
took hundreds of items from the Tannaitic Midrashim---those that were 
edited around 400 C.E.---and even incorporated many words found in 
these Midrashim in his translation. He was able, therefore, to date 
the Targum Onkelos around 400 C.E., a period much later than is 
widely accepted, because of the Targum's reliance upon these Midrashim.

Stanley M. Wagner is Rabbi Emeritus of The Beth HaMedrosh 
HaGadol-Beth Joseph Congregation in Denver, Colorado; Professor 
Emeritus at the University of Denver and Founding Director and 
Director Emeritus of its Center for Judaic Studies; and Founding 
Director and Director Emeritus of the Mizel Museum in Denver. He 
wrote, edited, or co-edited four volumes, A Piece of My Mind, 
Traditions of the American Jew, Great Confrontations in Jewish 
History and Great Schisms in Jewish History and was General Editor of 
a six volume series entitled Christian and Jewish Traditions in the 
20th Century.

For more description, cover image, and inside page views here is the 
link to this title's details page on the Gefen Publishing House web site:

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