Hello, all:

Having been following this list for some time now,  I've noticed a
recurring theme, namely that of finding a book (such as the example

There is inexpensive software that enables you to do this, called
BookWhere.  If you're interested and would like to support an Israeli
startup, then navigate to www.e-libraries.co.il [select English].

However, I haven't noticed much discussion regarding Library automated
software. Should anybody have any particular questions regarding Inmagic
or VTLS software, then I'll try to be helpful.



Avi Shoub
E-libraries Israel
Authorized Inmagic Dealer
Authorized WebClarity Reseller
Authorized VTLS Representative
(02) 999-7543

Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:39:57 -0400
From: Michal Avrahamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Online libraries

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how I can check which libraries have a certain book?

When I was in Hebrew University we had an online library, and I can
that many libraries in the States have an online library service as
but is there a place where I can find at once for many libraries?

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