>Dear Friends,
>Schwartz Judaica has for sale 19 volumes that are believed to be 
>from publisher
>Chaim Reich, Renaissance Hebraica in Brooklyn, NY. They are reproductions
>of rare Hebrew Books. Reich books are often limited editions of not more than
>500 copies. The title on the cover or the spine often varies from 
>the title on the
>title page of the original version of the book.
>Please let us know if you would like to receive this list.
>Stan Schwartz
>SCHWARTZ JUDAICA          Out-of-Print Books of Jewish Interest
>1934 Pentuckett Ave                  Bought and Sold
>San Diego, CA 92104-5732      Hardcopy & Email catalogues available
>Voice 619 232 5888                  Mastercard and Visa and PayPal
>Fax   619 233 5833                    Established 1989
>For a selection of our books, visit our secure website at:

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