Posting this for a colleague.  It's wonderful to finally see a bit more
being done to document the Sephardic experiences in the Holocaust. It's
a wonderful multi-media on line exhibit.  Gail

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has launched a new "Collections
Highlights" page, a small, online display devoted to the experience of
Sephardi Jews in the Balkans during the Holocaust, on its web site at  (Click on the phrase "What's New" in the upper right corner
of the Museum's homepage.) The purpose of the new web page is to give
the public a sampling of some of the artifacts, documents, photographs,
music, film and oral testimony that is available for research and
display at the Museum.  The USHMM also hopes to encourage private donors
who possess similar materials to donate them to the Museum's Collections
Division sothat more evidence of the life and destruction of these
communities can be preserved and made available to a broad audience.
For more information  please contact Sharon Muller, Lead Archivist,
Photo Archives at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by phone at 202-488-6124

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