You are looking for Severance Pay in Mishpat Ivri?
There is nothing in LC's data base on severance pay (I checked for
"severance" with either Mishpat Ivri or Jewish law in the record), but
there are several books in Hebrew with the heading "Wages (Jewish law)".
LC also has a book on severance pay
I mean a Halachik law not an Israeli (post 1948) law.
- Original Message - From: "Aaron Kuperman"
To: "Amalia Warshenbrot"
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran]: Severance pay
Are you looking for the text of the l
To my dear safraneem and safraniyot,
In Israel severance pay is granted (haaanakah) based on the last
month salary multiplied by the number of years of employment (hodesh
l'shanah) when the cause of termination is not misconduct.
I am looking for a text in English from a Jewish resource that
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