Dear Colleagues:

I recently requested guidance on materials on "running a synagogue" 
and was asked to post the replies.  With thanks to all, here they are:

Suggestions on "How to run a synagogue"

                        - I don't have a title, but I have found 
useful materials from the URJ Press.  They have several titles that 
might fit your needs.

                        - There is a great book by Ron Wolfson, 
called - The Spirituality of Welcoming.  Ron spoke to our Board 
several years ago (after we all read his book) when I was on the 
Board and more recently he spoke to the whole congregation. His book 
is well worth reading. You might contact him and see if he has other 
books on related topics.  This book is not a "cure-all" but it does 
address some of what you are looking for very well.

                        - So far, my best materials have been 
Christian or non-profit in general (How to Run a Non-Profit, for 
example).  Not a single board member recommends the UJR books; I only 
got one to read one of the books all the way through.

-The URJ has several publications: , as do United 

                         - Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman: Rethinking 
Synagogues; Dr. Ron Wolfson: The spirituality of welcoming; Erica 
Brown: Inspired Jewish Leadership

                         - There's a new book called: Sacred 
Strategies: Transforming Synagogues from Functional to Visionary, by 
Isa Aron, et al. It's published by The Alban Institute.

                         -Yours is an interesting question, and 
rather than recommend titles, I strongly suggest that you go to and do a book search on "synagogue" or "synagogue 
administration." All sorts of titles will come up, and you can scan 
through and see which ones look appropriate.

                         - The key source for the most relevant info 
about temple management and development is 
NATA:  In addition, I found some good non-profit 
board governance materials that deal with these issues more generally: Hairy Audacious Goal qa nonprofitgovernance 

                         - The Berman Jewish Policy Archive. A big 
part of our mission is to be kind of a storehouse for the collected 
wisdom of the community and of organizations, so that good 
information doesn't get lost. All our resources are free to 
download.  You can browse under our community building, synagogues, 
management andadministration, congregations, 
and philanthropy, or leadership topics (which are sorted in reverse 
chronological order), and the site also supports both basic and 
advanced search if you're looking for more specific things or to 
limit the time/scope somewhat.

                         - This House We Build, by Terry Bookman and 
Bill Kahn; Sacred Strategies by Aron, Cohen, Hoffman, and Kelman.  I 
believe they were both published through the Alban Institute, which 
is also a good resource.  They have resources for synagogues and 
churches, and most of the books about church congregations are very relevant

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