On the occasion of the retirement of Benjamin Richler from the
Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, the Jewish National and
University Library will hold a half day symposium on Hebrew
manuscripts in his honor.

Lecturers will be from the staff of the JNUL, the Hebrew University,
and the Hebrew Paleography Project.

The symposium will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 11th from 9:00 to 13:00
in the Eilat Hall, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus of the Hebrew
University (Givat Ram).

For the detailed program of the symposium see:

The public is welcome.
# Elhanan Adler                                                     #
# Deputy Director for Information Technology                        #
# Jewish National and University Library                            #
# P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel                             #
# Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977 #
# Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657                                       #

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