
Yossi Galron was kind enough to post the PDF file of this Yiddish poem by
Binam Heller (1908 - 2000) and translated by Yoel Sheridan of our listserv.
Yoel distributed the translation on the Thursday, April 01, 2004.

As I said in a previous E-mail, the Adobe PDF reader is available at

You may want to download Release 6.0 if your version is older.

To repeat: I asked Yoel Sheridan for the Yiddish and mocked up the English
and Yiddish side-by-side. Using a PDF file rather than a WORD file ensures
that the formatting is preserved.

Chag sameach.

Dr. Don Weinshank Professor Emeritus Comp. Sci. & Eng.
1520 Sherwood Ave., East Lansing MI 48823-1885
Ph. 517.337.1545   FAX 517.337.2539

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