The Wayfarers

Mr. Don Hereshon of the Florida branch of the Jewish Genealogical Society 
suggested that we contact you concerning our publication of Stuart Tower's 
epic historical novel The Wayfarers.

 From 1894 to 1912, more than 2.5 million impoverished souls emigrated out 
of Europe with most finding their way to the land of freedom: 
America!  This novel is the story of the Fusgeyers (literally 'those who 
went by foot'), groups of young Jewish men and women who literally marched 
from their native homes in Romania and the Settlement of the Pale across a 
deeply divided Europe to the seaports on the Atlantic and then on to 
America.  Their story is little known but offers inspiration and hope to 
anyone who is suffering impoverisment, lack of political freedom or 
government sanctioned discrimination.

We would like to see The Wayfarers added to your recommended list of "must 
reads" and will gladly send you a complimentary copy for your 
perusal.  Your recommendation would go a long way in giving the Jewish 
population of the world a new insight into their past history and of where 
many have their roots and ancestry.

The Wayfarers by Stuart F. Tower, ISBN 1-932211-02-0, 6" X 9", 596 pp, 
Trade Paper, $20 U.S.

Please advise if you are interested in receiving a copy, and we thank you 
in advance for your time and consideration of our request.  The novel's web 
site is linked below for your convenience.

Ron Richard, Publisher
Lighthouse Press, Inc.

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