Out, Sacred Monsters
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Three important new books are available from Yashar:

1. Flipping Out? Myth or Fact: The Impact of the "Year in Israel"
by Shalom Z. Berger, Daniel Jacobson and Chaim I. Waxman, with an 
introduction by Richard M. Joel
What happens to students when they go to yeshiva in Israel for a year 
post-high school? An educator, a psychologist and a sociologist 
examine this phenomenon based on extensive study and write about it 
for a popular audience. The book includes an introduction by Richard 
Joel, President of Yeshiva University and former President of the 
Hillel college campus organization.
More information: 

2. Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the First Book of Psalms: Chapters 1-41
This classic commentary has been translated and annotated by Rabbi 
Dr. H. Norman Strickman, who has already written the widely praised 
translation into English of Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Pentateuch.
More information: 

3. Sacred Monsters: Mysterious and Mythical Creatures of Scripture, 
Talmud and Midrash by Natan Slifkin
In a popular presentation, the "Zoo Rabbi" explores the scientific 
and historical basis in Judaism and Jewish texts for creatures that 
are better known today from Harry Potter. Unicorns, mermaids, 
dragons, phoenixes and much more are all discussed in this beautiful 
and informative book.
More information: 

All books are available from Baker & Taylor and your local 
bookstores. Discounts are available for online orders at the Yashar 
Books website: 

All authors are available for lectures and presentations. Contact 

Thank you,

Gil Student

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